How to Participate in Passover Chapel on Friday


Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper, 1498, tempera and oil on plaster (Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan)

Dear Families,

Every year, Ambleside holds a special chapel service near the beginning of Holy Week to teach our students about Passover, the Jewish festival to commemorate God’s deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt [Exodus 12]. The Passover meal is doubly significant for Christians as the last moment Jesus shared with his disciples before his trial and crucifixion [Mark 14]. One way we prepare to enter Holy Week at Ambleside, which is structured to help us remember events from Christ’s life, is to corporately engage the liturgy of the Passover.

This Friday, Deb Perry and Kate Perry will lead us through an explanation of the Passover elements, their significance in recalling God’s deliverance of the Israelites in Exodus, and a shortened Passover liturgy through video. We would like to give you the opportunity to participate at home during this teaching and, if you wish, to share the Passover meal as well.

We invite you to prepare the basic Passover meal elements should your family like to participate in the meal during the Perrys’ teaching!

Here is a guide written by Deb and Kate including a short shopping list and instructive links.