A Current of Fresh Air

Dear Parents,

Welcome to a new school year! The first week went off without a hitch, and students are already feasting on ideas and sharpening those summer-rested skills that need a little tune-up, like handwriting, narration, and mental math, to name a few.

As I have wandered the hallways this week, I have sensed something of the atmosphere in our classrooms that Charlotte Mason speaks about…

A “bracing atmosphere of truth and sincerity should be perceived in every School; and here again the common pursuit of knowledge by teacher and class comes to our aid and creates a current of fresh air perceptible even to the chance visitor, who sees the glow of intellectual life and moral health on the faces of teachers and children alike.” 

It’s so good to be together again.

It’s going to be another year of growth and important milestones for Ambleside School, in more ways than one. One notable theme that we’ll be celebrating throughout the year is our Silver Jubilee, the 25th year that we’ve been serving children and families with our Christ-centered, Charlotte Mason “living education.” 

We want to celebrate where we have come from, where we are today, and where we are going as we look to the future. I am excited for some of the things we have planned to share with you. Keep an eye out for a monthly Alumni Spotlight, which will feature the stories of some of our incredible former students sharing what they’re doing today and how their Ambleside education impacted them long-term. 

I’m also happy to announce that this spring, on April 26, 2024, we will host our first ever Ambleside Experience, a special event you will not want to miss. 

And with a nod to the past, I’ll be looking back through the old Ambleside Notes archives that our previous Head of School, Ginnie Wilcox, wrote to families in earlier days. She pioneered much of what we take for granted today, and in reading her notes, I’ve found many words of wisdom, worthwhile anecdotes, and warm memories that are worth sharing and remembering.

Here’s a look back to what she shared about school uniforms back in September 2012:

Thank you all for working so hard to get your students dressed in the proper uniform; I too have shared some of your morning stress of new shoes that don’t fit. Know that your efforts at home are bringing great benefit to the school atmosphere. Statistically, uniforms have a positive impact on academic performance because they reduce the voice of status, style, and social differences—common themes in the school cultures.

In addition, when a student puts on a uniform, he or she brings a simple act of submission that sets the tone for the school day. In the next eight hours at school, they will be challenged to submit in many ways—to the text before them, to the math algorithm, to the class routine, to the grammar guidelines, to a friend who has a different opinion—and this little act of deference in the morning brings positive fruits throughout the day.

I look forward to seeing you all at our Fall Parent Teacher Fellowship on Thursday, September 21. The evening will begin with a potluck at 6pm followed by a formal program and classroom visits.


Krise Nowak, M.Ed.
Head of School