
Dear Parents,

Last Tuesday morning started, as usual, with a hymn and prayer in the sanctuary. What was different about this day, however, was that we were two hours later than usual because of the early morning snowfall. 

As you might imagine, there was an excitable energy in the air. On the ride in, the snow was falling hard and fast, and many were probably wondering why school wasn’t called off altogether.  

Our song was The Old Rugged Cross. The reason I’m sharing this story is because of what I noted between the first verse and the last verse of that song on this particular snowy day.

By the end of the fourth verse, the energy in the room was different. The change was tangible. It was more peaceful. The music had stilled the anxious thoughts and calmed the wiggly bodies. The students, along with the teachers and staff, were ready to begin their day.

Music is an essential component of an Ambleside living education. Besides daily hymn singing in morning assembly, students study the works of the great composers weekly and attend music class twice weekly where they are trained on the most fundamental musical instrument, the human voice. 

For me, the transformation that happened on that almost-snow day between verse 1 and verse 4 was like a timelapse clip of the transformation I see in Ambleside students from kindergarten to eighth grade. I saw and felt the change, as if at 2x speed, from chaos to rest.

On Friday, April 26, Ambleside will host its new signature event that will demonstrate for you and your guests our living education that your children experience each day. You will get a taste of the music and narrative that our students feast on regularly at this thoughtfully planned event.

Our Ambleside Experience will transport you, our guests, to the Ovations Pavilion at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts where you will participate in a unique and experiential gathering. And just like our education, our Ambleside Experience will leave you with more than you came with.

The event will feature live and original music from professional recording artists and composers, an exclusive tour of the Filene Center, a catered buffet, a performance by a coterie of our 5th–8th grade student choir, and more. Be on the lookout for your invitation in the mail which will lay out all the details of this exceptional event, and consider who you might invite to experience this special evening with you.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Krise Nowak, M.Ed.
Head of School